Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Quotable Quotes Compiled by Julie Yap Daza

My friend and officemate Norraine lent me a book entitled, "I DIDN'T MARRY YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU: And more practical wisdom of friends, lovers and other strangers as told to Julie Yap Daza."

I found the book really entertaining and at the same time, enlightening =). So I'm sharing with you all the quotes in the book that got my attention.

Imelda Marcos:
Don't terrorize them with bad news.

Kokoy Romualdez:
You journalists are always digging for the "truth." What is truth? You go to the toilet ten times a day, but do you have to keep saying it?

Potenciano Ilusorio:
The secret of trading in stocks is simple. When my broker says buy, I sell; when he says sell, I buy.

Julie Yap Daza:
Life is short, no matter how long you live.

Koko Pimentel, on lawmakers who say nothing, do nothing:
Even the deaf and the dumb need representation.

Harriet Demetriou:
I declined a nomination to the Supreme Court and the Office of the Ombudsman because, come on, how can I color and spike my hair and wear shorts like these to the office?

Emilio T. Yap:
Always do good and you'll sleep well.

Lolita Yap:
A maid is a maid. Don't expect her to know everything and to do everything for you. If she was that smart, you'd be her maid.

Potenciano Ilusorio:
Trees are more useful than some people.

Harriet Demetriou:
The best tool for lawyers is language.

Mark Jimenez:
You make money by watching the best managed companies and buying shares of their stock.

Joe Burgos:
Criminals used to be afraid of cops. Then people became afraid of cops. Now, cops are scared of police reporters.

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